Who We Are
We’re a dynamic partnership of government, business, voluntary service agencies and consumers. We recruit corporations to contribute unrestricted funds, underwrite specific programs or donate in-kind services that expand needed services to the elderly.
What We Do
Our Mission
The Westchester Public/Private Partnership for Aging Services develops resources to provide myriad services that help seniors age with independence and dignity in their home community. We strive to help caregivers assist their family members and successfully meet their work and other family responsibilities.
Why We’re Needed
Some 193,000 people age 60 and over live in Westchester County, or about one in five residents. This number will rise dramatically as the baby boomers age. People age 85 and older are the county’s fastest growing sector of the senior population. Study after study shows that more than 90 percent of older adults want to continue to live in their homes as they age. Between 1990 and 2000, there was a jump of almost 25 percent in the 85 and older population – the group who most needs services to remain in their home communities. More than a quarter of seniors, mostly women, live alone. And, about 9,000 seniors live below the poverty level, with over 37,000 senior households having less than the income needed to afford the median rent.